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Book Sell

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
"This book is complete eye candy, Elise".  That is how my sister convinced me to read this book, and so there is no other fitting way for me to introduce it, for I don't believe there is a better description of this book.
Twilight is a story about an awkward teenager named Bella who moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad since her mom and new stepdad are constantly moving with her stepdad's job. 
Forks is anything but Bella's ideal of a place to live.  It is constnatly dark and rainy, and Bella is used to the bright Phoenix weather.
On the first day of school, Bella notices the Cullens sitting at a table in the cafeteria.  They are abnormally beautiful and seem to have no notice of the people who they go to school with.  They completely have Bella intrigued.  Edward, the "youngest" Cullen all of a sudden looks at Bella like she has completely disgusted him, and Bella can't figure out why.
Later, after much shunning on his part, Edward introduces himself to Bella and their friendship begins, but there are things about Edward that have Bella stumped.  Edward is impossibly fast, abnormally cold, and always absent from school when there is a sunny day.
Bella eventually finds out that Edward is a vampire.  This doesn't scare her at all, in fact it draws her to him more and more, and they become romantically linked....but that is not where the excitement stops.  The rest of the book involves baseball, vampires who have an insatable lust for Bella's blood, and Bella's desire to become a vampire.
Twilight is one of the most addicting book that I have read in a very long time.  There are four books in the series, all at about 6-700 pages a piece....I read them all in 1 week. 
Stephenie Meyer has a way of writing the completely draws the reader in and leaves them in a cloud of all things Twilight after they have put the book down.  The book is geared towards teenagers, but I have yet to find an adult who can resist the lure of the books. 
Twilight has recently been released as a major motion picture that has broken box office sales.  It is a bit different from the book, but definitely still enjoyable....even if it is much less "eye candy" than the books. :)


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